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First let me say, "I'm so glad you're here!" As many of you may know, I have turned a new leaf and am leaning into coaching and mentoring woman helping them gain some ground on their journeys to self discovery and success. To each of us, those terms may mean something completely different, and that's exactly what I plan to help you figure out and explore.

This is my first blog of hopefully many to come. Recently, I have chosen to remove myself from social media and find my own voice here on my personal page. I always found it distracting about what I "wanted" to share on those platforms verses what I thought I "should" share on them. Over time I took to collecting personal data and noticed, I felt drained after every time I engaged in the unconscious scrolling. As I became more aware, I would frequently take social media breaks and thought this to be the cure. Eventually, I ended up finding myself more off social media than on it. So, with a little hesitation of fear of missing out, I ended up deciding to follow my heart and remove myself from social media all together. I figured, I'll just meet you here where it's quiet and personal. This is the best route for my true authentic self and what gives me fuel to live my best life.

From now on, I plan to be writing weekly! You'll find me sharing as if this were a journal of my wondering mind and life events. With topics such as: mindfulness, shadows, nature, yoga, science, spirituality, habits and relationships. I promise to share, to my best ability, how I live to fulfill my own personal needs in my life hoping to inspire you all to engage in what fulfills yours.

Overall, I hope you enjoy my page and will reach out if you have any questions!

Till then!

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